My Model’s “Significant” Variables
As mentioned in the debut post, after putting together the Total Score composed of the six categories described HERE, the scores were re-inserted into a Final Regression Equation to determine the specific variables that were significant towards determining the Final Total Score.
The 13 significant variables found are listed below –
1. Average Football Revenue
Represents the ten-year average amount of revenue each of the FBS collegiate athletics department earned from football from the 2009–2018 seasons.
2. Average Operating Expenses
Represents the ten-year average around of expenses spent on each FBS collegiate football program from the 2009–2018 seasons.
3. Recruiting Expenses Average
Represents the average amount of Recruiting Expenses each of the FBS collegiate athletics departments (all sports) spent each year from the 2009 through 2018 seasons.
4. Conference Revenue Share
Represents the five-year averages of Revenue Distribution (in Millions) each school received from their conference from the 2014–2018 football seasons, as determined from each conference’s tax forms.
5. Assistants Salary Pool Average
Represents the average estimated amount spent on Football Assistant Coach Salaries per year, over the 2009–2018 season.
6. National Championship Claims
Represents the total number of National Championship Claims by each FBS football program in its lifetime.
7. Heisman Trophy Winners
Represents the total number of Heisman Trophy winners each FBS football program has achieved in its lifetime.
8. New Year’s Six / BCS Bowl Appearances
Represents the total number of appearances in a ‘BCS’ or ‘New Year’s Six’ bowl game from each FBS football program over the 2009–2018 seasons.
9. Conference Championships
Represents the total number of Conference Championships each FBS football program has earned over the 2009–2018 seasons.
10. Total Wins
Represents the total number of Wins each FBS football program has earned over the 2009–2018 seasons.
11. National Broadcasted Games
Represents the total number of times each FBS football program has appeared in game broadcasted on National Television over the 2014–2018 seasons.
12. Top 25 Wins
Represents the total number of Wins by each FBS football program over a Top 25 ranked opponent (according to over the 2009–2018 seasons.
13. Total Draft Picks
Represents the total number of players selected in the NFL Draft from each FBS football program over the last ten years measured (2010–2019 Drafts to represent the 2009–2018 seasons).